The First Decade of African ARV
Mar Pujades-Rodriguez
University of Leeds, UK

Dr Mar Pujades-Rodriguez is a Senior Epidemiologist working at the University of Leeds and is also an Honorary Senior Research Associate at the Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research, University College London. She previously led HIV monitoring activities and research projects conducted at Epicentre/MSF.
Mar’s current research focuses on conducting pharmacoepidemiological and applied prognostic research to improve the care of people with chronic diseases and multimorbidity, and to reduce health inequalities. This includes the evaluation of harms and benefits of treatment to guide clinical practice and policy making. Mar has led a large number of collaborative clinical studies, including studies of treatment failure and resistance to first and second line antiretroviral therapy, and evaluations of public health interventions. She has extensive experience in the design and conduct of large bespoke-clinical studies as well as disease registry and electronic-health record linkage cohort studies in both resource limited countries and in Europe. Mar has participated in WHO Guideline Development Group Meetings for the public health response to HIV drug resistance and is a member of several advisory groups, including the Economic and Social Research Council Global Challenges Research Fund Peer Review Group, the College of Experts of Arthritis Research UK or the Outcomes Measures in Rheumatology Polymyalgia Rheumatica Working Group.
Eske Willerslev
Center for Geogenetics,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Hamid Jafari
Center for Global Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), USA
Shamez Ladhani
St George’s Unversity Hospital
University of London, UK
Barbara Warner
Pediatrics, Newborn Medicine
Washington University, USA